Press release

EMF Publishes Hypostat 2017

11 September 2017

The European Mortgage Federation (EMF) is pleased to announce the publication of the 2017 edition of Hypostat, the EMF’s flagship, annual statistical publication on housing and mortgage markets in Europe and beyond. The 2017 edition (covering developments until end 2016) presents data and analyses for the 28 Member States of the European Union, as well as data from eight additional countries (Australia, Brazil – added for the first time this year –, Iceland, Japan, Norway, Russia, Turkey and the United States).


Besides a general analysis of mortgage and housing markets, Hypostat includes external articles focusing on significant topics which have an impact on these markets, including the various ways the LTV ratio can be assessed in certain countries of the EU together with its policy implications and an overview of how the profile of first time buyers is evolving in Ireland and the UK.


Key facts revealed by Hypostat 2017 include:

House prices grew in most EU countries year-on-year. The situation among and within different jurisdictions remained highly fragmented. Nonetheless, the rate of decline experienced by some countries seemed to have slowed down.


Housing supply indicators confirm the encouraging signs first registered in 2015 and are starting to pick-up.


Total outstanding lending decreased by 1.4% in 2016 due to the significant depreciation of the GBP. At fixed rates, the outstanding level increased by EUR 167 bn.


Interest rates on mortgage loans appeared to have stopped their downwards trajectory and, in some jurisdictions, they started to increase. The market mix for different mortgage interest rates in the EU remains highly fragmented.



Hypostat 2017 is the result of a collaborative effort by EMF national delegations and external experts, and is available to download via the EMF website.